Assistant Professor Emeritus, Educational Technology
College of Applied Science and Technology
The University of Arizona
Phone: 520.991.7304
Personal E-mail: cnovodvorsky@mac.com
Second Life: ScubaChris Wollongong
Welcome to the home site of Chris Johnson. I am an Assistant Professor Emeritus of Educational Technology at the University of Arizona in the College of Applied Science and Technology. I'm also the President of the 21st Century Learning Group, LLC, which I don't do much with anymore.
I do a lot of volunteer work with the Arizona Technology in Education Association (AzTEA) and the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). I am also a Core Team Member of the Flexible Learning Environments eXchange (FLEXspace). Finally, I am an Adobe Master Teacher
If you have any questions about this or any of my other sites, please feel free to contact me at CGJ@arizona.edu for university related questions or cnovodvorsky@mac.com for personal communication.
The image above illustrates four aspects of my life.
Going left to right and top to bottom: professional, personal, my digital life, and my love of travel.
My hope is that this page will give you a little insight into me as your instructor and as a person.